Rabu, 30 November 2016

Weight Affect Fetal Development Capital? - K

Weight Affect Fetal Development Capital? - K
It is important for pregnant women to observe weight (BW) prepregnancy and during pregnancy. Of course BB arrangements must be in accordance with existing guidelines, so it is expected that lived more healthy pregnancy, and growth and development of the prospective baby was optimal.Bagi pregnant women who are too thin, the key steps that need to be done is to add portions. However, the amount should not be excessive. Indeed, weight gain throughout pregnancy is needed to prevent preterm birth and low birth weight (LBW), however, note that weight gain does not reach the target during the pregnancy did not matter much to the state of pregnancy. So, no need to do extra effort too hard to raise ini.Penambahan BB BB too drastic were concerns that it may lead to obesity. Mistaken belief that the pregnant belly that looked small signifies the fetus does not grow well, too often the cause of the mother so overweight. In fact, the stomach looks small is generally caused by a layer of fat in the mother's abdominal wall is still thin and not because of fetal growth terganggu.Adanya ignorance that causes pregnant women vying to overeat so that his stomach swell. The assumption, if the mother is obese, the fetus in the womb had grown up. Though the big layer of fat in the mother's abdominal wall and not janinnya.Terlepas of accretion BB, fetal growth is relatively common to all pregnant women in the first trimester until the end of the second trimester. Few exceptions in pregnant women who have chronic kidney disease. It was only at the beginning of the third trimester, the growth of the baby may deviate from the normal growth curve (late or excessive) .For mother gemukSeperti mentioned earlier, obesity in pregnancy can lead to the onset of obesity in the long term. For that, remove the notion that pregnant women need to eat to "" two people "". However, you should not go on a diet. Weight loss should not be performed in pregnancy. You need to look at is the calories that enter the body Anda.Pertambahan enough calories for pregnant women about 100-300 cal per day. Whereas in the past the need of total calories per day on average around 2000-2100 cal, then with the addition of 1/10 or 1/7 of the total has also been mencukupi.Pada trimester I and II early, need to be maintained so that the BB does not rise too fast because the fetus are still small does not require large amounts of nutrients. Later in the half of the second trimester of pregnancy, maternal BB hike sought not exceeding 500 g each major minggu.Langkah to do that obese pregnant women is to reduce the consumption of high fat foods, such as fried. Reduce also foods with high glycemic index (foods that raise blood sugar levels quickly, because it does not need a long time to digest in the digestive tract). Like, biscuits, noodles, bread, noodles, spaghetti, cake, or sweet fruit. Especially for fruits should be eaten whole and are not consumed in the form of juice, since the juice can raise blood sugar levels quickly, although not given additional gula.Faktor that influences the development of janinPatut known that fetal growth is not solely determined by the mother's weight before pregnancy , or the mother's weight gain during pregnancy. But is also determined by genetic factors as well as the size of the blood vessels of pregnant women to the uterus and placenta, which is the conduit kandungan.Rahim food for the fetus in a pregnant woman who did not receive blood supply about 50 ml per minute. During pregnancy, the blood vessels of the uterus will develop to be the blood flow of 600 ml per minute. If there is a developmental disorder of blood vessels of the uterus, the fetus in the womb will not grow well even pregnant women experience weight gain that is drastic. The development of uterine blood vessels can be monitored by checking ultrasonografis Doppler (Doppler ultrasound) .This others also affect fetal development is taking drugs and smoking habits of the mother. These bad habits can cause the development of the fetus to be bad, so it can lead to premature delivery and low birth weight. For that, inevitably, this bad habit must dihentikan.Narasumber: Dr. Med Dr. Calvin Tjong, SpOG, from RS Puri Indah, West Jakarta, and RSIA Family, North Jakarta (Tabloid Nakita / Utami Sri Rahayu)

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Olahraga

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Olahraga

10 tips panas untuk membangun otot dan menurunkan berat badan dengan GSP RushFit oleh George St Pierre

10 Alasan Cepat mempertimbangkan George St-Pierre, GSP RushFit Depan Workout.

 1. Dibandingkan dengan program kebugaran rumah umum lainnya yang Anda beli hanya untuk menemukan Anda perlu membeli seluruh gudang peralatan lainnya dan suplemen untuk latihan dengan program latihan RushFit George St Pierre hanya membutuhkan sepasang dumbbell.

 RushFit 2. George St Pierre menyediakan 3 program terpisah dalam satu, sehingga Anda dapat mengatasi Depan Kebugaran seperti seorang juara, mendapatkan robek, memotong lemak, dan melihat dan merasa besar terlepas dari apakah Anda seorang pemula, menengah, atau lanjutan.

 3. latihan GSP ini memungkinkan Anda untuk latihan di Rush a. George St Pierre dan Erik Owings (Professional Fitness Trainer dan Mixed Martial Arts Workout Koordinator) mengoptimalkan latihan mereka menjadi lebih pendek namun lebih intens untuk membawa Anda ke puncak tingkat kebugaran dengan cepat.

 4. latihan dirancang untuk menjadi seperti Mixed Martial Arts atau MMA perkelahian. Erik Owings dan George St Pierre membawa Anda melalui 5, 5 menit putaran dipikirkan Mixed Martial Arts pendingin gaya yang benar-benar hancur lemak, dan membangun ramping-otot terburu-buru.

 5. Seiring dengan pemula, menengah, dan kalender canggih yang memandu Anda melalui latihan rutin yang optimal khusus untuk tingkat kebugaran Anda sendiri, RushFit George St Pierre juga hadir dengan mudah untuk mengikuti panduan gizi yang jelas akan menguraikan cara-cara baik memotong lemak atau membangun otot dan energi.

 6. Sebelum memulai RushFit Anda memiliki pilihan untuk mengambil penilaian Pre-Rush kebugaran, dan penilaian pos. Anda akan melihat perubahan yang mengagumkan dalam pengkondisian fisik Anda secara keseluruhan, kekuatan Anda, tubuh Anda, dan cardio.

 7. Anda memiliki pilihan untuk menggunakan mereka MMA Style, Mixed Martial Arts Workouts untuk lebih sendiri membela diri dan seni bela diri keterampilan Anda. Ini sangat baik untuk pria dan wanita mencari kekuatan dan pengkondisian latihan yang juga mengajarkan mereka bagaimana Tendang Beberapa ASS Serius!

 8. belajar Anda dari legenda Juara Dunia MMA, George St-Pierre sendiri bersama sendiri Kekuatan Kelas Dunia dan penyejuk Trainer, Erik Owings. Benar-benar ... Bagaimana Anda bisa pergi salah dengan DUA Kelas Dunia Guru di sisi Anda?

 9. GSP RushFit adalah nilai besar atas pesaing mempertimbangkan banyak pesaing lain biaya lebih dari 100 $ untuk program latihan mereka, sementara perlu membeli semua jenis peralatan lainnya dan produk. mistik GSP RushFit ini terletak pada bahwa itu adalah Kekuatan penuh, udara, Gizi, Diet, dan bahkan gaya Program pertahanan diri Mixed Martial Arts dalam satu paket besar.

 10. Secara keseluruhan George St-Pierre RushFit mengatakan apa yang dilakukannya, dan melakukan apa yang tertulis. Membuat Anda Fit and Summer Siap Rush Fit cepat!

 Tertarik? Lihat saya review blog di Mempertimbangkan untuk mengambil keuntungan dari terbatas 60 hari GSP RushFit percobaan gratis dan Promosi Bonus DVD dengan mendaftar melalui situs saya.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Want Healthy and Weight Down? In Fruit Consumption

Want Healthy and Weight Down? In Fruit Consumption
Maybe you do not like to hear it, but as the years continue to grow, so does your weight will follow. Similarly, the increased risk of a variety of health problems, ranging from weight gain to risk of diabetes, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.

Fortunately, micronutrients in some kind of fruit can help reduce these risks, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal.

A team of researchers based at Harvard track the weight of more than 124,000 people for 24 years.

They found that people who consume more antioxidants flavonoid abundant in fruits, experienced a weight gain at least the last one, even most of them managed to lose weight several kilograms.

Study participants who consumed fruit rich in three types of flavonoids, in particular anthocyanins flavonoids, flavonoid polymers, and flavonols, get the best results.

This group ate fewer calories and burn more energy-the perfect blend for slimming.

"" This shows that a simple change like just add a few handfuls of fruit into the daily menu And, a can have a huge impact on the long-term health, "" said Monica Bertoia, PhD, a researcher in the department of nutrition at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

One thing to note: "" We found that increased intake of fruits is closely related to weight reduction, "" Bertoia said.

"" But if you eat the whole fruit. People who increase their intake of fruit by way of making juice, caught gained weight, possibly because the juice contains a lot of sugar. ""

Here are some compelling reasons to add fruits source of flavonoids into your day.

Apple-flavonoid polymers
Polymer flavonoids in apples inhibit the enzyme that breaks down simple sugars. This means your body becomes not store sugar as fat, but clean up and remove it from your system.

Pectin or fiber-laden flavonoids in apples, can reduce levels of fat circulating in your blood. Not all apples are the same, according to research published in Nutrition Journal.

Apples have the highest concentration of flavonoids is Fuji, followed by Red Delicious. Gala is still quite high, but lost to the Golden Delicious apple.

Fuji apple has more than double the flavonoids found in an Empire apples, which is the apple with the lowest number of flavonoids.

Pir-flavonols, flavan-3-ols
Such as apple, pear is a fruit rich in pectin. Also rich in flavonols and flavan-3-ols, flavonoids types to protect you from gaining weight and type 2 diabetes.

In an another study using the same data as that of Bertoia, eat more pears or apples can help weight loss a little more, compared to other fruits.

One reason, perhaps because of fresh pear provides nearly a quarter of your daily fiber needs, which is good for keeping life beneficial intestinal flora.

"" Healthy intestinal bacteria that help the body absorb and digest flavonoids, "" Bertoia said.

Blue-black color of berries comes from a high concentration of flavonoids called anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that help prevent cancer, heart disease, and inflammation.

"" Just a slight increase in anthocyanin which is correlated with weight loss, "" said Bertoia.

Frozen blueberries have the highest concentration of anthocyanins, followed by fresh ones. Meanwhile, dried blueberries have about half the number of frozen or fresh blueberries anthocyanins, according to a study in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.

Strawberry-flavanols, anthocyanins
Strawberries also contain antosiani n (although not as much as blueberry) and flavonols. Research shows that only a few ounces of strawberries may reduce inflammation and increase in blood sugar levels triggered by carbohydrate-heavy food.

A study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that eating strawberries before eating sweets will make the body more difficult to absorb sugar, preventing you from experiencing an overload of calories.

And in a recent study, researchers were able to reverse the risk of type 2 diabetes in mice by feeding them strawberries.
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